School of Engineering

[vc_row el_class=”sch-engg”][vc_column][ep_feature_item icon=”fa fa-book” icon_color=”blue” active=”on” description=”Engineering is the application of mathematics, empirical evidence and scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge in order to invent, design, build, maintain, research, and improve structures, machines, tools, systems, components, materials, and processes.
In the era of systems and computing, it is important to have a good understanding of engineering across many disciplines.”][vc_empty_space][ep_section_title title_text=”Mission”][vc_column_text]School of Engineering aims to advance innovation, excellence and professional development through an esteemed worldwide faculty with a track record of high professional achievements in industry and academia. Our Engineering education is in most appropriate form to find solutions to engineering issues challenging the modern world in all areas of engineering field such as mechanical, chemical, IT, biotechnology, aerospace, professional trades and management. Our professional development workshops and online tools are being designed to provide access to the best practices and important trends in engineering education, including the latest instructional methods, and innovative curricula. We are confident of providing students everywhere with broad and exceptional tools to prepare them to excel in their professions and to become creative leaders and mentors in an increasingly complex world; Lead responsively and creatively in the discovery of new knowledge and transforming inventions and technologies; and Create a better future for all people through the application of innovative ideas and resources and the solution of important and complex global problems.

Scholars University School of Engineering has the following goals for its success:

  • Provide online supplement to either existing curricula to enhance quality and effectiveness/establish new curricula on demand from corporate /business world and supplement existing degree programs by offering online courses as desired by specific entities. Scholars University does not offer a degree/certificate program
  • Establish itself as a premier online university worldwide at the cheapest cost to students but with an extremely talented and experienced faculty from every field of engineering
  • Establish a diverse multi-disciplinary teaching team of experienced professionals that can analyze a business issue and create an innovative solution and prepare instructions for student training
  • Provide Students with the intuitive, inquisitive and analytical tools that would help them penetrate the depths of the challenging issues at hand.
  • To foster an educational opportunity in their minds and to encourage them to look beyond the conventional and ordinary so as to develop an imaginative fertile mind that can give birth to a unique & innovative solution to engineering problems.

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][ep_section_title title_text=”Dr. Basuki N Srivastava, Dean, School of Engineering”][vc_column_text]Dr. Basuki N Srivastava is currently working as a scientist at General Electric (GE) Company, Aviation Division, Lynn, Massachusetts involved in advanced engineering design for aircraft engines. He currently specializes in design and development of high power compressors for small military engines like those in Apache /Blackhawk helicopters and their variants for different applications for military and commercial business. At GE he is well known for his innovative design to extend the engine life by ruggedizing the components of the compressor for sandy desert operation while maintaining the performance and operability of the original design. He also holds several rewards/patents in this area at GE. Before Coming to GE, he was a senior design & development engineer at Raytheon corporation at Tewksbury, Massachusetts. Working there at systems design laboratory, he received an invention award by the management for his research to enhance system effectiveness for missiles equipped with divert (lateral) jets. He presented related papers at several national & international conferences including NATO in Italy. Before joining Raytheon, Dr. Srivastava worked at Textron defense systems, Wilmington, Massachusetts as a principal scientist where he was involved in many projects including laser technology, aero-optics, acoustics and parallel computing. He also worked as a deputy general manager at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited on Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) project on a short assignment by the government India on the transfer of residence but came back to the USA due to personal reasons. Early in his career, prior to coming to USA for his Ph.D degree, he also attempted to pursue a PhD program as a lecturer at IIT Kharagpur, just after graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Kharagpur because of family reasons but abandoned that due to several attractive offers from England & USA with a full scholarship.  Dr. Srivastava completed his Master’s & Ph.D. program from the University of Cincinnati in aerospace engineering & then moved to Massachusetts to work at a top institution of research known as AVCO Research Laboratory (merged to Textron Defense Systems later).

Dr. Srivastava was a national scholarship recipient in India while studying at IIT, Kharagpur and has been very active in research field in the USA with over hundred publications in reputable journals & conferences. He has been a reviewer of AIAA journals, ASME publications and was a member of the review committee for AIAA.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][ep_section_title title_text=”Department of Engineering”][vc_column_text]

  • Department of Mechanical Engineering

Concentration on the manufacturing process, building design/ construction, safety in the workplace, Architecture, quality control, automotive, aerospace, plant maintenance, workforce management, Moral enhancement, Productivity Enhancement.

  • Department of Chemical Engineering

Oil industry concentration, safety issues, exploration, alternative fuels, Fracking issues, sea platforms, labor management at platforms, extraction & Boring issues, site development.

  • Department of Civil Engineering

Structural engineering, lightweight construction, High rise building, safety issues, site evaluation, construction quality/inspection.

  • Department of Energy

Energy sources, Wind & solar evaluation, Business vs residential, factory assessment to optimize cost, industrial power plants.

  • Department of Computer Science:

Data science is the study of where information comes from, what it represents and how it can be turned into a valuable resource in the creation of business and IT strategies.

Why is Data Science the most demanded field these days? Because over the last decade there’s been a massive explosion in both the data generated and retained by companies, as well as you and me. Sometimes we call this “big data,” and like a pile of lumber, we’d like to build something with it.

This specialized field demands multiple skills not easy to obtain through conventional curricula. Introduce yourself to the concepts of data science and leave armed with practical experience extracting value from big data.

  • Department of Cybersecurity and Robotics

Cybersecurity fundamentals, requirements of today’s industry, software development, hardware compatibility, customer evaluation, meeting goals of small, large business as well as individual, Role of robotics in future products, business demand & evaluation for improving productivity, basic learning skills.

  •  Department of Bio-Science and Technology

Regulatory affairs, drug development, drug research, safety issues, target to community college students in the USA, the path to a physician assistant for dentistry/ophthalmology/nursing assistant courses etc,

  • Department of Financial Engineering: 

Financial market teachings, Brokerage, stock trading, retirement accounts, Social security, Medicare/Medicaid.


Learn fundamental concepts, design and methodology applicable to any engineering discipline from the veteran scholar of silicon valley engaged in the research and development in the field of engineering.
